Fairbanks Fodar Aids Rescue of Rare Talkeetnan Waterfoul

Turner and I spent a long weekend in Talkeetna, attending the 8th Annual Talkeetna Fly In, and used the opportunity to test some new fodar upgrades as well as participate in an opportunistic [...]


Fodar Beneath a Forest Canopy

This blog will hopefully go a long way towards dispelling the myth that fodar cannot be used to measure ground topography beneath a tree canopy.  Whether it is the best tool for the job depends [...]


A Beautiful Start to our 2018 Field Season in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Last week Turner and I began our 2018 field season in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by mapping about 20 glaciers there on a beautiful, sunny day.  Our hope for the rest of the season is to [...]


Seeking Denali TopoHeros!

There are a lot of remote, beautiful places in Alaska that we would like to map to assist a variety of useful public purposes, as Alaska is not mapped nearly as well as the rest of the country.  [...]