While at AGU a few weeks ago, several people asked me about the original blog posts where I described my initial successes with fodar and the events leading up to it. These links had been broken [...]
Following our talk at AGU regarding the tallest peak in the US Arctic, a few news articles popped up. Here’s one from National Geographic. And another from our local Fairbanks paper which [...]
Which are the highest peaks in the US Arctic? A glaciologist and a ski mountaineer use Fodar to settle the debate Text by Kit DesLauriers Photos by Andy Bardon Since the beginning of time humans [...]
Today our paper on determining the highest peak in the US Arctic was published in The Cryosphere Discussions and we also released our final results in a talk at the 2015 Fall American Geophysical [...]
Processing over 50,000 photos covering over 1200 square kilometers, we have now finished creating high resolution digital elevation models and orthoimages of all 29 villages from Wales to Bethel [...]