

Understanding Fodar™







Fodar™ for Alaska

Digital Photogrammetry is currently undergoing a renaissance. New hardware, software, and methods developed over just the past year have allowed for the possibility of making topographic maps and orthophotos at unprecedented accuracy and affordability.  Soon it will be commonplace to make new topographic maps of our areas of interest on yearly, monthly or even daily intervals so that we can systematically assess the changes occurring in those areas. Whether for scientific, engineering, or land management purposes, this ability is going to revolutionize the way we approach earth science and land management, as well as our understanding and implications of those changes.

Fairbanks Fodar's mission is to facilitate this transition using Fodar, a proprietary technique that produces directly-georeferenced DEMs and orthophotos with an accuracy and precision equal or superior to lidar but at a fraction of the cost. Whether you work for industry, government, consulting, or are just curious about Alaska, we can likely make a map that is affordable and useful to you..

Not sure what an awesome DEM or orthophoto is? Learn more about Fodar™ here.

Not sure what you would do with an awesome DEM or orthophoto? Visit the Applications page to learn how useful these digital topographic maps can be.

Want to see what you are missing, in 3D? Visit FodarEarth™, where you can interactively fly through the awesome map products created using Fodar™.

Want to have awesome maps made for you? Contact us.

(c) 2014 Matt Nolan
These images may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.